The Diamond Jubilee High School, Hyderabad (DJHSH), under the flagship of Aga Khan Education Service, India (AKESI), is over 70 years old, operating from two separate campuses in two well-renowned neighborhoods of Hyderabad. It invests in and optimally utilises its infrastructure and resources while working with a team of dedicated teachers and collaborating with the community. The school inspires its students and teachers alike, resulting in an educational experience that is rewarding and enriching, and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 10.
Class | Session | Application Date | Status | Fee | Action |
No admissions found for this school. |
No facilities available at this time.
Info: Fees for the session 2025–2026 are not available. The fees mentioned below are for the session 2024–2025 for this class.
Type | Frequency | Refundable | Amount |
Annual Fees | Annually | No | ₹ 1,52,000 |
Transport Fees | Annually | No | ₹ 30,000 |
Info: Fees for the session 2025–2026 are not available. The fees mentioned below are for the session 2024–2025 for this class.
Type | Frequency | Refundable | Amount |
Annual Fees | Annually | No | ₹ 1,52,000 |
Transport Fees | Annually | No | ₹ 30,000 |
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Rosalina Kelian
1 days ago
Donec aliquam ex ut odio dictum, ut consequat leo interdum. Aenean nunc ipsum, blandit eu enim sed, facilisis convallis orci. Etiam commodo lectus quis vulputate tincidunt. Mauris tristique velit eu magna maximus condimentum.
Arista Williamson
5 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.